June 4th: Young Plenary

Schoolkids will debate challenges of the energy transition by presenting innovative mobility solutions made by students that will revolutionise the charging network in our cities.

June 19th: The Conference

Professionals, Experts and EU representatives debate about the right strategy for the energy transition

June 26th-28th: Three-day Congress

The 3rd Fundamentals and Applications of Cerium dioxide in Catalysis congress provides an excellent opportunity for scientists from all over the world to meet and discuss the latest advances in catalysis by CeO2.

  • 09:00 - 09:40

    Keynote Co

    CO as a  Probe Molecule: Unraveling Surface Details  of  Ceria Nanoparticles and  Single Crystal Surfaces 


    Christof Wöll

  • 09:40 - 10:20

    Keynote Cu

    Cu active sites over ceria surface: single site, dimers, clusters, nanoparticles and their distinct catalytic behaviour 


    Feng Ryan Wang

  • 10:40 - 17:20

    See all Congress sessions.

    To see all Congress session at: https://ceria2018.upc.edu/en/program